Jin Shin Jyutsu

Waltraud Riegger-Krause
Jin Shin Jyutsu Allgäu
“The energy that is motivating us, does not come from the body. It is part of the universal abundance, which comes through us from the universal source.”
Mary Burmeister
Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu means working with our hands, using them to touch and hold our fingers as well as specific places on the body – the Safety Energy Locks – in order to dissolve energy blockages and balance the flow of vital energy within us.
Here you will find current classroom courses and online seminars.
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self help

Jin Shin Jyutsu in den Wechseljahren
Online Kurs für Jin Shin Jyutsu zur Unterstützung der Fruchtbarkeit und in den Wechseljahren.

Free webinars
Jin Shin Jyutsu zur Selbsthilfe. Hier finden Sie kostenlose Webinare zum Einstieg in die Behandlung des eigenen Körpers.

Let's start Selfhelp
Hier finden Sie einen Onlinekurs, zur praktischen Einführung ins Jin Shin Jyutsu zur Selbsthilfe.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
aktuelle Online Kurse
Let´s start Selfhelp
Ein online Kurs zum Mitmachen.Einführung in die Jin Shin Jyutsu Selbsthilfe Beginn 30.10.2024 Mit: Petra Elmendorff, Mona Harris, Waltraud Riegger-Krause, Martina Six Teil 11 Immunsystem - Gesund und fit durch Herbst und Winter Mudras Strömen im Advent Das Verdauen Im...
Unveröffentlichte Ströme Schätze aus den Archiven des Jin Shin Jyutsu Eine Jahresgruppe, Beginn 07.03.2024Kursbeschreibung Es gibt noch ein großes Reservoir an Strömen und Material von Jiro Murai, Mary Burmeister und Haruki Kato. Wir freuen uns, dass wir aus diesen...
Online-Kurs zu Fruchtbarkeit und Wechseljahren
Mit Jin Shin Jyutsu durch die körperlichen und geistigen Phasen der Fruchtbarkeit In diesem Kurs werden wir uns vor allem mit den Lebenszyklen der Frau beschäftigen, auch wenn Männer natürlich ebenfalls verschiedene Zyklen durchlaufen. Die Entwicklung in Zyklen zieht...
English online course – Online Kurs in Englisch
Online Special Topic Class presented in English by Waltraud Riegger-Krause Waltraud said - "Mary never really explained why these flows are named “Reversing and Increasing of the Depths. There are other aspects of these flows that are still a bit mysterious to many of...

Waltraud Riegger-Krause
about me
Waltraud Riegger-Krause was born in the Black Forest in Germany. She studied Social Work and was working for an environmental protection project. In 1985 she took her first class with Mary Burmeister, where she felt the impact of Mary’s words: “The journey lies within Myself to seek that which has no beginning and no ending.” Waltraud was touched by Mary’s teaching and her way of being. In the same year she also met her spiritual teacher, who taught her the Natural Path of Heartfulness Raja Yoga Meditation, which she is practicing till today.
After studying with Mary for five years till 1990, Waltraud started her JSJ practice. She is a licensed Naturopath, has a licence in Traditional Oriental Medicine. Her love for JSJ braught her to Japan, where she continued her studies with Haruki Kato.
Since 1995, Waltraud has been an instructor for the 5 Day, Special Topic, Now Know Myself and other Special Classes. She is also author of the card set: “Jin Shin Jyutsu, Health Is in Your Hands.”, which was published by Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc. in 2014.