Jin Shin Jyutsu

Free webinars

for self-help and meditation

– the 7th round of our WE ARE ONE webinars ended on July 23rd –

All webinars can also be viewed later on YouTube. In the following, my webinars in German are listed for you according to dates and topics. Simply click on the desired webinar to get to the respective video (YouTube).

Kind regards, Waltraud


Topic: letting go

to the Webinar of 17th of Juli with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: liver energy

to the Webinar of 18th June with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: fatigue

to the Webinar of 1st Juni with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: middle of the body

to the webinar of 18th May with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: harmonization of thoughts

to the Webinar of 30th April with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: lung energy

to the Webinar of 15th April with Waltraud Riegger-Krause

Topic: The inner Home / Navel Stream

to the webinar of 3rd April with Waltraud Riegger-Krause


online webinars

A special gift from Anke Oltmann is this beautiful finger-holding video, with participants from all over the world

Jiro Murai gave this self-help sequence to Mary Burmeister for boosting the immune system.

Here is an explanatory video by Anita Willoughby.

It's in English. You can read the German translation by Waltraud Riegger-Krause here as an PDF file.